By Fadi Malkosh
(Network Radio), May 2017
[The following is a excerpt/repost of an article written by Fadi Malkosh (Founder and Author of Network Radio), titled “The Man Who Saved The World“. The title has been renamed for Muslim4Liberty]
On August 20th 1935, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Ronald Ernest Paul was born. Son to Howard-Casper and Margaret Paul, two German immigrants who ran a small dairy farm.
And on that day, the future generations were handed a universal gift that they had not expected and have yet to fully appreciate; a young Ronald Ernest would grow up to be the galvanizing cornerstone for freedom and liberty across the globe. Ideas that have been written off as fringe, philosophies fading throughout time, and movements that remained opposed by the establishment for decades, finally began to break into the public spotlight.
Sparing the details of this man’s unparalleled list of prolifically virtuous actions (as this isn’t a biography piece, but rather an article of recognition), The Man Who Saved [a Generation] would go on to become the forefather of liberty today.
In order to fully appreciate this notion, one would have to truly consider the basis of libertarianism which rests on the shoulders of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP); “an ethical stance which asserts that “aggression” is inherently illegitimate. “Aggression”, for the purposes of NAP, is defined as initiating or threatening the use of any and all forcible interference with an individual or individual’s property.”
On that note, the offspring of libertarianism splinter into many factions and almost entirely share the value of small to virtually limited (and often times non-existent) government; it is expressed in the forms of free-market economies, freedom of association, private property rights, global trade, non-intervention, self-defense, and a staunchly anti-war philosophy of peace.
These innately humanistic virtues may have been convoluted and eroded by the state, but today we see a sergeancy of various libertarian philosophies. To better illustrate this point, the notion that “Taxation Is Theft” (a basic yet adored libertarian principle) has for the first time in modern day history become mainstream, and is even labeled in some circles as a “libertarian tip“.
That said, we do not credit Ron Paul for these ideas, as the NAP philosophy dates back to Epicurus (300 B.C), and later on even through Islamic scholars such as Ibn Tufayl, whom would influence John Locke to write in The Second Treatise of Civil Government: “Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions.”
The NAP philosophy would continue on to be heralded by Thomas Jefferson, Ayn Rand, and Murray Rothbard.
As a student of Rothbard and other notable libertarian philosophers, Ron Paul spent nearly fifty years of his adult life, carrying the mantle of freedom and liberty on behalf of humanity. Although he ran for president on a libertarian ticket in 1988, and continued to be an active voice in congress for nearly three decades, the libertarian party along with its NAP roots never found a spotlight in the mainstream.
Enter 2006; as a presidential candidate for the Republican Party during the 2008 elections, Ron Paul began to galvanize and unite a rabid following of American citizens weary of the 2003 Iraq war and the growth of America’s national debt, police state, and encroachment on civil liberties. Attracting young voters from all walks of life, Paul’s campaign was heavily blacked out and viscously attacked by mainstream media and establishment politicians. Yet, the more Paul was written off, the stronger he became a magnet for disenfranchised and even apathetic voters.
Not noticeable to outside circles, however, the people that became entrenched in the Ron Paul “LoveRevolution” at the time, would witness one of the most infectious and fastest growing factions in modern day history. Forwarding to the 2012 presidential election, Ron Paul had curated and cultivated such a rabid and loyal base, his supporters were able to literally infiltrate the GOP on a grass-roots level, and sway the election in such a powerful manner that only those looking from the inside would able to appreciate or even comprehend the sheer velocity of it. It took the GOP far more than slander, blackout, and lack of all decency to silence Paul’s rise; they had to literally change the rules of their platform overnight in order to (for a lack of better words) steal the election from him, and hand it to Mitt Romney.
Frustrated, all of the Ron Paul supporters would seek advice from him, pondering, wondering, hoping; “how do we get Ron Paul in the White House?” “Who do we elect next time?” “How can we help him get in?”
Yet, Ron Paul’s response to his crowds (just as his response was to the mainstream pundits whom questioned his electability) has always been about the message itself, and not him. To Paul it has always been about “spreading the message of liberty”. His fans and supporters adored him, yet they couldn’t grasp the true meaning of what he was saying.
Frustrated, the Ron Paul base kept trekking. And in a matter of months, what seemed like defeat, became true revolution; his platform would inspire many notable public figures to run and win various positions. Bloomberg made a nice early illustration on that. Following suite, we see a new breed of Ron Paulites in congress; Justin Amash, Thomas Massie, Mike Lee, and his son Rand Paul.
After an eternity of work, Ron Paul’s message started to truly resonate in the mainstream. Libertarian ideas and conversations about “free markets” became popular talking points, the issue of the Federal Reserve became a global issue, enough to warrant president Donald Trump to endorse.
Paul made popular the idea that polarized-issues such as abortion, can be left to the states, advocating the 10th amendment. While personal choices (gay marriage for example), shouldn’t be dealt with by government in the first place; advocating the notion that marriage is a religious ceremony.
Even the most dangerous political landmine known as Israel, was a smooth skid, as Paul brilliantly advocates “sovereignty” for Israel, his justification for ending foreign aid and military intervention, citing that the US is meddling with Israel’s right to self determination. An area that nearly every political persona (including his son Rand) has a hard time criticizing without scathe.
After the 2012 election, what started as a campaign to elect one man, became a colossal force known as “liberty movement”. From campaign, to Tea Party, to Young Americans For Liberty students, to the Libertarian Party, Anarcho-Catpialism…etc.
Now there are many various factions, but all formulate the liberty umbrella. And all of them recognize the need to rein in the state. Any Ron Paulite will assure you, that the liberty movement has been exponentially growing by leaps and bounds. Words and expressions for those that are in the liberty movement, known to them, are gaining mass appeal; “End the Fed”, “Taxation is Theft”, “Free Markets”, “Statist”, “Who Will Build The Roads”…
Dr. Ron Paul was right, and he knew it; today it rings true that it was indeed all about the message. As Ron Paul still continues to put out material through Ron Paul Peace Institute For Peace And Prosperity, it seems that his work is rather not so much in the spot light as it used to be; there was a time where Dr. Paul couldn’t cough without every one of his supporters knowing where he did so. Yet even though his spotlight is diminished, the love and respect has only been further embraced, and the liberty movement is now more powerful and autonomous as it ever was…
“An idea whose time has come, can not be stopped by any army or any force.” -Ron Paul
Man’s next frontier is a world with stateless societies. And as the liberty movement continues to expand, the words of George Washington echoe with us: “Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”
Future generations will look back and marvel at our current narrative, where we are a society that willingly commits itself to its own perils. They will be thankful for the gatekeepers that kept humanity progressing, they will laugh and joke about a time where every man was born with a tax ID. They will wonder how humans with so much wealth of knowledge, couldn’t own a home or start a business without government consent. They will shake their heads in awe, at how much we would have been without the state being there. And they will be thankful for The Man That Saved [a Generation]: Ron Paul.
Today we stand united. The liberty movement is as powerful as its ever been, and it is continuing to thrive. We are the liberty, we are the movement; and today, we are Ron Paul.