Source: By: Dr. Imad ad-Dean Ahmad March 2019 Donald Trump’s withdrawal from JCPOA (“Iran Nuclear Deal”) poses many problems for everyone, including both the U.S. and Iran. The biggest problems for Iran are the economic crisis threatened by the loss of foreign investment and the currency crisis threatened by denial of access to the dollar-denominated banking …
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- Raneem Salekin { The link does not work!!! Please fix it I want to help. }
- Rees Bronwyn { Hope you wont mind me carrying a few of the thoughts from this informative article somewhere else? I guarantee... }
- AntiK { So much denial and non sense... almost funny ???? }
- Gwenda Gunning { I didn't have any expectations regarding that title, but then the longer I was amazed. The author did a... }
- Rittenberry { You did a excellent job! This post seem quite great. }
Tag Archive: Minaret Institute of Freedom
Oct 08 2018
Gaza and the Future of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Source: By: Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad May 2018 Nikki Haley has created a meme about the Israeli massacre of Palestinians demonstrating for the right to return to their homes at the Gaza border: “No country would act with more restraint than Israel,” she says with a straight face. Many countries would act with more restraint than Israel has, …