

Nov 06 2016

Some Guiding Thoughts for Muslim Voters in Staten Island and NYC


By Hesham El Meligy

Here’s a video of a talk I gave Saturday morning at a mosque in Staten Island, NY.  It touches on many aspects of political involvement and creating political leverage for the Muslim community, as well as a few guiding tips for voting in this Tuesday’s general election.

To inject some fun into this stressful election season, I made this post on my personal Facebook page a few days ago which is my forecast of the Presidential election result.  I said:

I shall shave my head on a live Facebook broadcast if any of the following happens:

  1. If Hillary loses the election
  2. If Hillary loses any of the states of NY, NJ, and CT
  3. If Hillary wins NY with under 55% of the vote

While I’m not a supporter of Hillary, I’m confident I’ll keep my hair 🙂

In brief, my recommendation for everyone is to vote 3rd party (like Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party); Voting 3rd party is especially important in non-swing states (like NY, CA, etc.). More on this will follow.


Here’s the video:

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