What can Muslims in America learn from Ron Paul?
Explore the following articles. Post your comments below, or suggest other relevant material.
M4L Blogposts about Ron Paul:
2012 Muslim Vote for Ron Paul
Ron Paul and the Israeli Capital
Ron Paul, the anti-war candidate
Is Ron Paul Racist? What is Institutional Racism?
Muslims Say Ron Paul Is Their Kind Of Republican
Omar Sacirbey, correspondent for Religion News Service, explores some reasons why Muslims have shown interest in Ron Paul and some basic libertarian principles.
See article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/17/muslims-ron-paul-republican_n_1211664.html
Is Ron Paul the Only Viable GOP candidate?
Dr Mohamed Alo, a veteran political strategist and campaigner, breaks down the 2012 GOP political landscape and presents his thoughts on who is the most balanced candidate.
See article here: http://muslimrepublicans.net/Article.asp?ID=177
A Muslim-American Perspective On the GOP And Ron Paul
Omar Shaukat, American religious academic, reflects on his Muslim identity and the need for a balanced conservative outlook.
See article here: http://www.policymic.com/articles/3370/a-muslim-american-perspective-on-the-gop-and-why-ron-paul-will-win-the-muslim-vote/category_list
Ron Paul may be Republican Muslims’ pick for president
By Kate Shellnutt, web producer for HoustonBelief of the Houston Chronicle.
See article here: http://blog.chron.com/rickperry/2012/01/ron-paul-may-be-republican-muslims%E2%80%99-pick-for-president/
facebook : Muslims for Ron Paul 2012
Ron Paul supporters posting video, articles, and comments on facebook.
Access here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Muslims-for-Ron-Paul-2012/220581561289003
Ron Paul Presidential Campaign
Official campaign website: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/
Ron Paul Supporters Forum: http://www.dailypaul.com/
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