

Jun 24 2012

M4L participates in “Ramadan Gifts for Prisoners”


M4L sponsors “Ramadan Gifts for Prisoners”

Muslims4Liberty participated in a charity project run by NCPCF (National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms). The “Ramadan Gifts for Prisoners” set a goal of donating $100 dollars to 100 inmates before Ramadan. $100 will be put into the commissary account of each inmate which will allow them to purchase special items during Ramadan. I’m sure this will go a long way in lifting their spirits. These are Muslim inmates who are political prisoners, victims of pre-emptive prosecution, entrapment and government over-reach.

The goal of M4L was to sponsor 5 inmates, at a total of $525. The deadline was June 20th, so that the funds can reach the inmates before Ramadan.  Alhamdulillah, We were able to surpass our goal and collected a total of $1050. This means M4L has collected enough to sponsor 10 inmates.

Here is the ChipIn page that we had:  http://muslims4liberty.chipin.com/m4l-ramadan-fund

This project is important and relevant to M4L since Liberty is what our imprisoned Muslim brothers want. Thank you for being part of a support network for people who have been unjustly targeted and oppressed. If you did not get the chance to participate, then you can continue to take on this responsibility with either dua, speaking out against the injustices, supporting the families of inmates, or helping those who advocate for them. Jazakum Allah Khair


– Ramy
M4L Staff



From the NCPCF Website (http://www.civilfreedoms.org/?p=12581):
NCPCF is seeking the generosity of 100 individuals, who are willing to donate $105 each to 100 of these victims, so NCPCF can send each $100 to their prison commissary accounts before the coming holy month of Ramadan (the extra $5 will go towards expenses such the purchase of money orders, processing fees, etc.). The Federal Bureau of Prisons allows for special purchase of Ramadan items (such as dates) during this holy month and NCPCF would like to send the money as soon as possible so the inmates can receive them before the end of June.

This is a charitable appeal for people who are in great need of help to be given during the holiest times of the year. We hope that you will show generosity to people who are suffering because of governmental abuse of power and prosecutorial overreach. Please consider being one of those who have compassion to those in great need and distress.

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