Oct 2015
[The following is by the Muslim Legal Fund of America, which is a charity that funds legal work and programs to defend Muslims against injustice in American courtrooms, prisons, and communities.]
What is an informant supposed to be and how are they supposed to be used?
An informant is an individual who law enforcement uses to infiltrate an existing criminal conspiracy or plot. These informants are used to fight crime.
What have informants become and how are they currently used?
Some informants operating in Muslim communities have become “agent provocateurs” — individuals used by law enforcement to entice, provoke, or lure innocent people into criminal acts. These informants are used to manufacture crimes.
Law enforcement should fight real crimes, not create fake crimes.
Informants often target vulnerable people who suffer from mental, emotional, financial or other instabilities. Impressionable young men with strong political views that differ from the current government administration are often targeted. These informants befriend someone with constitutionally-protected political grievances, and then exploit that friendship to convert grievances from tough talk to criminal acts.
People targeted by informants often have no previous plans or intentioned to commit a crime prior to meeting the informant.
“They’re creating crimes to solve crimes so they can claim a victory in the war on terror.” – Attorney Martin Stolar, who defended a victim of an FBI informant.
Why not just turn these people in to the police?
Civil liberties experts highly recommend that you never speak with law enforcement without having an attorney representing you. This is for your protection. Previous targets of informants have turned to law enforcement for help, but were turned away, ignored, and then later arrested.
What if the person is a real wannabe terrorist, not an informant?
If the person is an informant, you will need to safeguard yourself and your friends against the informant’s efforts to put you in prison. If the person is not an informant, but is a legitimate threat to the community, you will still need to safeguard yourself and your friends when reporting this information to law enforcement. In either case, you have a responsibility to report the incident to law enforcement, and you have the right to have an attorney representing you during this process.
Here are a series of videos which give extensive documentation and evidence of how the FBI tricks and entraps vulnerable and even emotionally or mentally-challenged Muslims: