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Announcing the Publication of “Voluntary Islam”


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Announcing the Publication of “Voluntary Islam”

By Davi Barker
February 15, 2013, published on SF Muslim Examiner

It has been over a year in the making, but “Voluntary Islam and Other Essays” is finally set for publication on February 19th. Voluntary Islam is an anthology of my best articles in the 4 years I’ve been writing for Examiner.com as both the San Francisco Muslim Examiner, and the National Libertarian Examiner. It also includes articles published at SilverUnderground.com, DailyAnarchist.com and Muslims4Liberty.org. Both the paperback and the e-book are set for release on Tuesday, February 19th. That weekend I’ll be at a book signing at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, which is the annual conference of the Free State Project.

This is my first book, but hopefully not my last, as I have two more currently in the works. Voluntary Islam explicates my passion for philosophy, economics, history and theology as I advances the Voluntaryist cause with analysis of the confluence of values between Islam and libertarianism as well as contemporary movements from the Tea Party to the Arab Spring.

Describing my writing Ben Stone of the Bad Quaker Show wrote:

“Davi Barker is a writer, an artist, an activist, but more importantly Davi is a testimony. Not a shallow testimony of words, but a testimony of life dedicated to truth and peace in the rejection of evil. His dedication stands strong in a world where the enemies of truth and peace distort the meaning of every word and phrase to suit their desires. But no matter the opposition he faces, Davi embraces the principle that “There shall be no compulsion in religion” and Davi shouts by example and not by words alone, that “The greatest jihad is proclaiming the truth in the face of a tyrant.” ~Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker

The paperback is going to be available from Amazon here, and for the first 24 hours the e-book is going to be free for the Amazon Kindle, the idea being that if enough people download it in one day I can game the Amazon promotion algorithm and get it on one of the front pages. So, if you could download it the first day that’d be a great help. Plus you can join the release party on Facebook.

Writers interested in reviewing the book can email me at TheMuslimAgorist@Gmail.com for a pdf of the book. You can also pre-order your copy of “Voluntary Islam” from the Free Press Publications online store shop.fpp.cc. And you can contact the FPP owner and editor, Darryl W. Perry at editor@fpp.cc.

Free Press Publications is an independent alternative media and publishing company, founded in June 2009, with the mission of “ensuring a FREE PRESS for the FREEDOM MOVEMENT” and is committed to spreading the message of peace, freedom, love and liberty. FPP also gives new authors an avenue for publishing freedom oriented material.

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